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Glowin' tides.
Somewhere, like me,
you... are.
Beside the stairs in down,
behold water flows in dark.
Always, like the morning' s gift
or promess,
you are... so loveless,
i' ve never seen you.
The voice carried by the wind
i could hear,
where were, my love, you,
while ' ve been so bored and chilly nose.
Hoho! Oh, leave me, Father Frost!
Decades i don' t believe no more in Santa...
Did i ever believe?
In something...
Maybe forsaken in this dream!?
Beside the stairs in down,
behold you falling,
without young crown,
decapited is your mind...
You' re so loveless,
always you will,
with or without me
together - midnight madness...

I' ve just continued my pass
throw snows and ice' s glasses,
I' ll find my way
even if blinded,
with eyes calling of bright prices.
Have you ever believed?
The breathing o' mine
no more rises.

To miss Non Existance.
Категорія: Містика та езотерика | Додав(ла): Achkatryas (16.08.2012) | Автор: Руслан Лях E
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